addCommentLine(String) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Add a line of comments to describe the FIGFont.
addFigCharactersLine(String[]) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGure
addLineToFIGure(FIGure, byte[], FIGFont) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.FIGDriver


FIGCharacter - class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter.
A character defined by a FIGFont.
FIGCharacter(String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter
A constructor which argument is an array of the lines of subcharacters the character is defined by.
FIGDriver - class org.gnu.jfiglet.FIGDriver.
A class that draws FIGures...
FIGDriver() - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.FIGDriver
No args constructor
FIGFont - class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont.
A FIGfont, which file format is specified by this document.
FIGFont(String) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont
Create an empty FIGFont whith a provided name.
FIGFontInfo - class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo.
Informations about a FIGFont.
FIGFontInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
FIGFontLayout - class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout.
Layout of a FIGFont.
FIGFontLayout(int, Integer) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
FIGUtils - class org.gnu.jfiglet.utils.FIGUtils.
An helper class that provides utilities methods.
FIGure - class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGure.
FIGure() - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGure
A constructor that takes no arguments and creates an empty figure.


getBannerFIGure(String, FIGFont) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.FIGDriver
getBaseline() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the baseline of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
getCharacterLine(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter
Get one of the lines of subcharacters the character is defined by.
getCharacterLines() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter
Get an array of the lines of subcharacters the character is defined by.
getCommentLines() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get an iterator through the lines of comments (String) that describes the FIGFont.
getCommentLinesNumber() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the number of lines of comments that describes the FIGFont.
getFIGCharacter(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont
Get one of the FIGFont FIGCharacters.
getFIGFontInfoDescription(FIGFontInfo) - Static method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.utils.FIGUtils
Build a String a String providing a multi lines rendering of the FIGFont informations hold by a FIGFontInfo.
getHardblank() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the hardblank subcharacter used in the FIGCharaters of the FIGFont.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the height of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
getHorizontalMode() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
getInfo() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont
Get informations about the FIGFont.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the default layout specification of the FIGFont.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the max lenght of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
getName() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the name of the FIGFont.
getNumberOfBackSpacesForLine(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter
getNumberOfFrontSpacesForLine(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGCharacter
getPrintDirection() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the print direction of the FIGFont, which is either PRINT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT or PRINT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
getSubcharactersLines() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGure
getVerticalMode() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout


HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_MODE_FITTING_ONLY - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
Horizontal layout mode "Fitting only".
HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_MODE_FULL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
Horizontal layout mode "Full size".
HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_MODE_SMUSHING - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
Horizontal layout mode "smushing" Moves FIGcharacters one step closer after they touch, so that they partially occupy the same space.
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_BIG_X - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_EQUALS_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_HARDBLANK - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_OPPOSITE_PAIR - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
HORIZONTAL_SMUSHING_RULE_UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
hasHorizontalSmushingRule(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
hasVerticalSmushingRule(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout


IllegalFIGFontFileException - exception org.gnu.jfiglet.core.IllegalFIGFontFileException.
IllegalFIGFontFileException() - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.IllegalFIGFontFileException
IllegalFIGFontFileException(String) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.IllegalFIGFontFileException
IllegalFIGFontFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.IllegalFIGFontFileException
IllegalFIGFontFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.IllegalFIGFontFileException


JFiglet - class org.gnu.jfiglet.JFiglet.
JFiglet() - Constructor for class org.gnu.jfiglet.JFiglet


LATIN_1_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.FIGDriver
LATIN 1 Charset name
loadFromFile() - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont
Load the content of the FIGFont from the fontname.flf file provided in the fonts directory in the classpath.


MAX_8BIT_CHARSET_CHAR_CODE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFont
The maximum valid code for a character of the FIGFont 8-bit characterset
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.JFiglet
Draws some examples of FIGures on standard output


org.gnu.jfiglet - package org.gnu.jfiglet
This is the package that contains the java figlet implementation (JFiglet).
org.gnu.jfiglet.core - package org.gnu.jfiglet.core
This is the core package of the JFiglet library, that contains the class that represents fonts, characters and figures.
org.gnu.jfiglet.utils - package org.gnu.jfiglet.utils
This is the package that contains utilities classes.


PRINT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Value for the printDirection attributes that means a print direction from left to right.
PRINT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Value for the printDirection attributes that means a print direction from right to left.


renderFIGureToOutputStream(FIGure, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.utils.FIGUtils


setBaseline(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the baseline of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
setCommentLinesNumber(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the number of lines of comments that describes the FIGFont.
setHardblank(char) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the hardblank subcharacter used in the FIGCharaters of the FIGFont.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the height of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
setLayout(FIGFontLayout) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the default layout specification of the FIGFont.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Get the max lenght of the FIGCharacters in the FIGFont.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the name of the FIGFont.
setPrintDirection(int) - Method in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontInfo
Set the print direction of the FIGFont, which should either be PRINT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT or PRINT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT.


VERTICAL_LAYOUT_MODE_FITTING_ONLY - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_LAYOUT_MODE_FULL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
Vertical layout modes
VERTICAL_LAYOUT_MODE_SMUSHING - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_SMUSHING_RULE_EQUALS_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_SMUSHING_RULE_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_SMUSHING_RULE_HORIZONTAL_LINE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_SMUSHING_RULE_UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout
VERTICAL_SMUSHING_RULE_VERTICAL_LINE - Static variable in class org.gnu.jfiglet.core.FIGFontLayout


Copyright © 2004 Sebastien Brunot. All Rights Reserved.